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                                          Song Lyrics

                                      William Draper

BRITNEY SPEARS WOKE UP BLIND, and couldn't find her pepsi. The way she was thrashin' on the floor, you'd think she had epilepsy. --We will gladly piss in a cup for you. We will gladly spit you some of our gob. We will gladly blacken our thumbs for you and you and you. And we're not even looking for a job --[mo'2come]

The Undead Walking
When all the birds stop singing
When all the people have stopped talking,
You may hear that faint bell ringing
You may be the undead walking.
When the action around you is senseless
and there's no hope of improving,
And you're feeling decidedly defenseless,
You may be the undead moving.
The SUV has fatally crashed
the laptop and the cellphone have been smashed.
Every TV channel's in the trash
and your Personal Digital Assistant has become
Touch-resistant. [bebop interlude]
Maybe it's too late--
to be ironic. Maybe this will only
Make you sick.
Anticipating waxing catatonic as I face
the elevator music
As I face the elevator music...
Going down? [EZ-listening chords]
I Don't Live Anywhere 
I don't live anywhere, and I don't really care
I'm way
The shelters, they're all full
Sure could use another pull
Oh well, tomorrow's another day.
Sure the snowy winters can sometimes get rough
But real Americans are made of sterner stuff!
It only goes to prove
You just got to keep on the move
You'll get...somewhere
Some day.
My pal's a crazy sot, talks to himself a lot
That loony bin gave him the boot (a long time ago)
He's coming back this way. Don't worry, it's OK
Sometimes...he's good...for a hoot.
A guy I knew turned up dead near the dumping ground
That fool would eat or drink most anything he found.
But on the brighter side, it cannot be denied:
He's better off this way.
[alternating atonal/free jazz with mellow ragtime]
Life ain't what it's cracked up to be,
Get that straight first.
You've got to learn to take the bad
With the worst.
The world is full of woes; mine's
Just one of those.
Heres comes
that cop
I killed you in my mind
Now we can talk
I killed you in my mind
Let's go for a walk
The power struggle's over
and now I am in clover
cause I killed you in my head
And I like you better dead.

Now that you've been offed,
I don't know what to say
Freedom's just another word
For Haveaniceday
I got the best of you
You didn't get the best of me
I'm thanatopsytipsy
Ah, the thrill of victory!

{Miller&Rhoads Dept. Store Tea Room piano chords}

I snuffed you in my cortex
Now I'm in an EZ listening groove
I feel so peaceful now
It's as though I'm in the Louvre
No more lightning and thunder
Because now you're six feet under
I have slain you in my brain
Above the fruited plain
Above the fruited plain
The tutti-frutti plain....

William Draper is a musician and songwriter who burst onto the RVA scene in the 1980's as Prompt Critical.  Recently he has collaborated with FiShHeaD, recording new songs.  William Draper will be performing upcoming shows this Fall, where he will bring the house down with his raucous and original brand of garage cabaret.  He lives and works in Richmond, Va.
Please visit his website:  Original Garage Cabaret

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